Git'n Going - GitHub Learning Lab
![A snapshot from the Managing merge conflicts course](Git.jpg)
The GitHub tutorials were definitely an interesting part of the course. I had heard of GitHub before and somewhat knew what it was for, but I had not found the interest in checking it out for myself. Now though, I definitely understand not only how to use GitHub but also why and how it can be so powerful and useful. In short, the tutorials introduced me to an entirely new, vibrant community of programmers, with code and examples available for just about any program I may want to make next. To my interest specifically, after doing the tutorials I was able to find a bunch of repositories with examples of fluid simulations for me to look at. In the future, I will definitely keep using GitHub if and when I will collaborate with people in creating a simulation or if I just need inpiration or help on a part of code I am stuck on.
Links to each GitHub repository and course: